I would go with Dario Brizuela. He does great stuff for kids--his renditions of heroes are perfect for kids (and adult kids if you ask me). And he can leave that style and do magnificent work in different styles.
I would also say JP Leon as he renders such clarity in his "simple" style. I am amazed at his compositions. He seems to be popular among fans, but he doesn't get much work in the industry, so I don't know if that means he is lacking in praise or not...
This guy is great! His art reminds me of yours, which means he is really, really good. He can't be the best because it is reminds the reader of yours, but, still, that is better than most. Great stuff! And we pretty much got a free comic out of it...
Another great choice I believe is Jerome Opena. His ability to make action scenes fun yet sound is amazing. He uses more lines than I would usually prefer, but his use of lines is effective in that they complement the scene rather than overwhelming the emotion and content.
Yeah, too many posts, sorry, no need to post them, just throwing in my 2 cents and you are the only one who will ever read them, and that only because you have to in order to see if you want to post them. It should be painfully obvious by now that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Which of course begs the question, why can't I see that? Yeah, alright...
I would also say JP Leon as he renders such clarity in his "simple" style. I am amazed at his compositions. He seems to be popular among fans, but he doesn't get much work in the industry, so I don't know if that means he is lacking in praise or not...
Yeah, too many posts, sorry, no need to post them, just throwing in my 2 cents and you are the only one who will ever read them, and that only because you have to in order to see if you want to post them. It should be painfully obvious by now that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Which of course begs the question, why can't I see that? Yeah, alright...
I think someone else on that list chose JP Leon. I truly admire his work - did the WinterMen trade ever come out?
I also love the artwork of Jerome Opena - having firsts noticed it on Fear Agent. The movement and weight he puts into his figures is staggering.