I truly enjoyed working on Ruse at Crossgen . It was unlike any other book - in outlook, in execution and in the way we collaborated on it. Maybe one day I'll go into the ins-and-outs of how we all chipped in and, perhaps, what was actually going to happen in the comic disregarding it's untimely demise.


JC said…
Wasn't reading (comics) during the time of Ruse, and don't know if I would have checked it out anyway as it took way too many years for me to overcome my Marvel snobbery (though it seems still present, though I am hoping it is mostly due to familiarity). I found out my buddy was a huge Ruse fan a couple years ago when I told him about the great Mike Perkins (he already knew), but he said the title did not release the "last issue" or something like that. I am assuming there is no plan to get back into it.
JC said…
By the way, was this a commission? Looks like a page or promo-piece. It it is a commission--yowsers!
Mike Perkins said…
We actually wrapped things up in Ruse as well as we could. You could end the series where we did...but we did have plot points and storylines stretched out for at least a year ahead. We were so into that book and could have been on there for a very...very long time.
Mike Perkins said…
It was a commission, yes. Someone wanted me to come up with what would have been the next cover.

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