Been away for the last week in Colorado enjoying the Rocky Mountain National Park- which should explain the chirrupping crickets sound you've heard from me if you've sent an email .

Y'see. Most of my life is spent sitting on my backside illustrating pictures of people in action - the irony does not escape me. So, when I have a break I usually like to take the time to hike and actually get up off my...ahem...arse.

This I did. A lot.

Izabella and I were getting up at 6.00am and heading out for 5-8 hour hikes up mountain paths, staggering across ice fields and meandering through meadows...and thoroughly enjoying it.

While I was there we took the time to visit Boulder and it's environs and took plenty of reference photos for me to utilise in the mid section of The Stand adaptation. At least I'll be attempting to make everything look incredibly authentic!


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